Please note: • Two Original Finch 1 Robots are available: One for for$50 or two for $80 each wit long USB cable • Finch Robots are used to teach coding(programming) • Snap programming has different level suitable for younger children, teens and up • Finch robots are sold and supported by Birdbrain Technologies • These Finch Robots are working About Finch Robots Designed at Carnegie Mellon University, the Finch is a robot that inspires and delights students learning computer science by providing them a tangible representation of their code. The Finch responds to light, temperature, and obstacles, among many other capabilities. Coding options for students from ages 5 to 105! Getting started with Snap Programming online is Very easy! • Plug the Finch to a USB computer • Online search type: Birdbrain Legacy Snap • On search result Click Birdbrain Legacy Snap • Snap window opens • Select level and start programming! Learning Programming- Beginners Ages 5 and Up • Start with “Snap! Basic” (search Snap! Basic)