Red Bait! Struggles of a Mine Mill Local Book by Al King and Kate Braid Together with writer Kate Braid, Al King has produced a totally absorbing memoir of a union life in Canada. King retired from Steelworker staff in 1980, having come into the union after the merger with the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers in 1967. King began work as a labourer for the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company (CM&S, now Cominco) in Trail in 1937. King was soon a key player in the small nucleus of activists who built Mine Mill Local 480 at the Trail smelter -- a campaign that took several years of near-clandestine organizing until World War II. King's account of working life in Trail, and of the life of the community, is full of incident, humour, misery, courage, betrayals and occasional triumphs See pictures Pickup in Langford Cross posted