Yeardon-Jones, Dreamspeaker Cruising Guides: Good Condition, $12 each, $50.00 for all 5 Vol 1 Gulf Islands & Vancouver Island, 3rd ed .. 2 Desolation Sound & Discovery Islands, 3rd ed .. 3 Vancouver, HoweSound & Sunshine Coast, 4th ed .. 5 Broughton's & Vancouver Island, .. 6 West Coast Vancouver Island, Bill Wolferstan Cruising Guides: $2.50 each. 2 for $4.00 Vol 1 Gulf Islands & Vancouver Island Sooke to Courtenay .. 2 Desolation Sound & Discovery Islands Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Good Condition. Chart 3312 Jervis Inlet & Desolation Sound, 29 charts, $25.00 .. 3313 Gulf Islands, 24 charts, $25.00 Evergreen Pacific Cruising Atlas, Queen Charlotte Sound - Olympia, 174 charts, $25.00 BC Single Charts, $1.00 each. All 9 for $5.00 Chart 3410 Sooke Inlet - Parry Bay .. 3463 Strait of Georgia - Southern .. 3454 Gabriola Passage - Ballenas Islands .. 3513. Strait ofGeorgia - Northern .. 3545 Johnstone Strait - Port Neville - Robson Bight .. 3577 SandHeads - Ballenas Islands .. 3671. Barkley Sound .. 3673 Clayoquot Sound, Tofino - Millar Channel .. 3674 .. , Millar Channel - Estevan Point