All the essentials needed to make your own bath bombs. Selling because I don't have the time to make them anymore. Priced well below retail costs to help you get started! A great Holiday Present! Items included (and retail price for remaining quantity): - "How to" book - Fizz Boom Bath - $15 - Two brands of sphere bath bomb molds with 4 different sizes total - $15 - Coconut oil 473 ml (50% full) - $15 - Almond oil 64 OZ (1892ml) 100% full - $43 - Milliard Citric Acid 80% full 10Ib - $58 - Baking Soda 12Ib (5.44kg) 80% full - $10 - Corn Starch 1kg 75% full - $5 Total retail price: $161 Yours for $90