Releasing our studio sound system, as we're no longer using it and it's just sitting there. Lightly used indoors over 6 months, this set is immaculate and has bigger sound than I've ever used - you'll be impressed. 2x TOPS: ELITE EF12P 1200 Watt Program 12-Inch+Horn Active PA Cabinet 1x SUBWOOFER: ELITE ES12P 1200 Watt Program 1x12 Active Subwoofer These TOPs currently sell for $1999 CDN + TAX, each. The SUB currently sells for $2399 CDN + TAX. If you buy this kit today you'll pay $6800+. I've got them set up so you can hear them - if you're serious about seeking a quality PA, come give a listen. DETAILS & SPECS: ----------------------- Check the Yorkville website, here: A video from Long & McQuade about them here, if you want a bit more info: