The 78th Fraser Highlanders was a regiment raised in the mid 18th century to come to Canada to help quell the issues in French Canada. They participated in the Seven Years War as well as at the Plains of Abraham with General Wolfe in 1758. After the war, many stayed and settled in Canada and spread throughout Canada through outposts. Today there is a society which relives the heritage and history of the 78th Frasers with garrisons throughout Canada (Calgary, Vancouver, and Montreal to name a few) and some in the U.S. The Fort Victoria Garrison was established about 14 years. Although it is not actually a military unit, it models itself after the original regiment and as such inherits the military protocol and perpetuates the 18th century drill and dress. There is a pipe band component which offers band training on pipes & drums as well an an honorable guard which performs historical re-enactment with musket fire and drill. As a non-profit society, one of our aims is to provide opportunities for youth so the costs are very reasonable. Adults are encouraged to have some experience. We have student members who are 9-13 years old as well as adults and older professionals. We perform annually in events throughout the city including Remembrance Day, Canada Day, Victoria Day and the Victoria Highland Games as well as ceremonial events. We practice Saturday mornings from 10 to Noon and are currently moving location (TBA); junior students meet from 10 to 11:15 AM. We welcome all adult pipers and drummers as well as beginner youths into our junior program. Feel free to join us in a fun and relaxed learning atmosphere. For more information please contact us by email through this ad or visit our website