BK Precision 4003A function generator - $275 BK Precision 1550 Power supply - $150 BK Precision 9129B Triple Power Supply - $600 BK Precision 2190E Scope - $350 Weller Soldering Station - $120 An enormous collection of resistors of several varieties, resistances, Inductors, Caps, Both surfacemount and through hole, transistors, current regs, lcd screens, quality speakers, servos, motors, battery packs, on and on - Probably spent In excess of $3000 accumulating all these parts. Take it all away, including their storage organizers for $400. I'm not going to answer questions about if I have such and such a part, so don't ask, just come look. Prices are firm and are already way more than fair. I'll ignore you if you try to bargain.